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You finally want to:

Lose weight

and keep it off!

This is Dr. Ammon Opie, creator of the LivFit-Program!

He battled being overweight himself for many years and was totally frustrated because ‘eating less’ and ‘exercising more’ didn't work for him at all.

Four years ago, he developed Livfit - an extraordinary programme that puts health first. It utilises the body's own function of cell repair and autophagy to lose weight. The key is a short-term simple diet plan and high quality cellular nutrition.  

Since then, Dr Ammon has maintained his own desired weight easily and without sacrifice and has helped hundreds of people in his practice to maintain control of their weight permanently. And now this programme is finally available for you as a video course!


How does this program work?

What can you expect?

Because pictures say more than 1000 words...

3 phases to your success

Phase 1 - Cell repair and detoxification - side effect: losing a lot of weight
Phase 2 - Training for body and psyche to save the achieved weight as a new normal weight
Phase 3 - Enjoy life, maintain weight and have control!

After the weight loss course you will...

... finally have control over your own weight! Your body will have memorised your new weight and you will have many tools at hand to really keep it off in the future! This is the last weightloss-program you'll ever need - click on ‘Buy your coaching now’ and off you go!

Before you can start you still need:

1. your cell nutrition from Reliv. You can find an instruction video on how to order here: How to order cell nutrition

To order you need:

- either a referral link from someone who has recommended the coaching to you here

- or a referral number and the following link:

Order cell nutrition here

Please allow at least 3 working days for your cell nutrition to arrive.

2. a body fat scale. You can use any body fat scale that has a graduation of at least 0.1 kg. If you don't have one yet, please get one. We like to use the following scale (comes with a free app which displays your progess in nice charts) : Amazon-Link

3. the actual weight loss coaching. Simply click on the ‘Buy your coaching now’ button at the top right.

Maybe you still have some questions

How is the coaching structured?

This course is a cell repair and weight loss programme that consists of three sections. The basis is high-quality cell nutrition, as well as a special nutrition plan, which ensure that you see and feel changes in your body quickly.

You will be guided through the programme with the help of daily videos - partly by Dr Ammon Opie himself, partly by his certified coaches.

The course includes daily impulse videos, lots of interesting facts about your cellular health, practical tips and recipe ideas for your daily weight loss routine and explanatory videos directly from Dr Ammon Opie. Your weight loss course has been put together to accompany you on your journey to your desired weight and make you successful!

Phase 1 lasts 20 or 40 days, depending on how much weight you want to lose. You follow a simple nutrition plan. On average, our participants lose 4 to 5kg in this phase or 9 to 10kg over 40 days.

Phase 2 always lasts 21 days. The body is trained to store the new weight as a new normal weight. During this phase, you will learn to use a calorie tracking app and to eat lots of calories without gaining weight. This prepares you for phase 3.

Phase 3 is the fun phase, in which you can eat anything again and still maintain your weight. Follow a few simple basic rules and your body will ‘want’ to keep your new weight off permanently.

Who is allowed to do the programme and who is not?

This weight loss programme by Dr Ammon Opie is generally aimed at healthy people who would like to lose weight. Each participant is of course responsible for him/herself and should consult his/her family doctor if he/she has any questions. The information in this course is not intended as medical advice.

In principle, anyone aged 15 and over may take part in this weight loss programme.

Exceptions are people who are currently undergoing acute treatment (e.g. chemotherapy), pregnant women and breastfeeding mothers.

How much weight can I lose with the programme?

Of course, this depends very much on your body. We have seen a wide range of weight loss. You can generally expect to lose around 4-5 kg or 10 lbs over the 20 days and around 9-10 kg or 20 lbs over the 40 days. Some participants lose a little less, others a lot more during this time. In addition, if you want to lose even more weight, you can start the programme again from the beginning after a relatively short interim period.

How much does the weight loss programme cost?

You need several things:

1. the weight loss coaching. This costs you a one-off fee of EUR 129.00 or GBP 115.00. This gives you access to all the content for 9 months. This should give you enough time to complete the program until you have reached your feel-good weight and can maintain it permanently.

2. your cell nutrition. The package we recommend costs GBP £238.18 in the UK (represents a 10% discount compared with the regular price and the price includes tax and delivery - prices in other countries vary according to tax and delivery). This package is sufficient to get started with the program with the minimum amount of shakes recommended by Dr Ammon Opie to complete phase 1 and phase 2. If you decide to take more or want to continue consuming the cellular nutrition afterwards, please contact your Reliv distributor. You will be able to get at least 10% off each additional order - larger discounts are also possible for larger orders or longer consumption.

3. your body fat scale. If you don't have one yet, please get one. Cost: approx. 20-40 EUR depending on the model.

The weight loss program ends when you want it to and there are no other follow-up costs for you.

I have food intolerances - can I still do the programme?

Both the cell nutrition and the foods selected for the programme are extremely hypoallergenic. You will receive a list of foods to choose from in the course materials for phase 1. As there is a wide variety of foods on it, you will also find something that you are allowed to eat. However, make sure that you only eat foods that are good for you and that you can tolerate.

I am taking medication - can I still do the programme?

We use normal, healthy foods to nourish your body. They are combined with a very high-quality cell food that provides you with a comprehensive complex of minerals, trace elements, vitamins, amino acids, etc. There are no known interactions with any medications. There are no known interactions with any medications.

If you are not sure that this diet plan is good for you or if you are taking a lot of medication, please ask your doctor whether you can take part in this weight loss programme.

I already take a high-quality supplement. Does the programme also work with this?

Dr Ammon Opie himself has been taking Reliv cellular nutrition for a long time because he has had great health success with it. The composition of this cellular nutrition guarantees that the body can carry out the processes set in motion by the special nutrition plan in the best possible way. At the same time, it supplies the entire body with everything it needs so that it is optimally nourished. The programme is designed in such a way that this cellular nutrition is a central component that should not be omitted. Although each participant is responsible for him or herself, Dr Ammon Opie recommends that Reliv's nutrition should not be omitted under any circumstances.

I don't eat any meat. Can I still do the weight loss programme?

Yes, you can choose from two different versions of the food list - one with and one without meat.

What if problems arise?

Our support team is there for you. You are welcome to ask the support team any questions that are not explained in the daily videos or additional videos, or if any questions remain unanswered. You will receive a personalised response as soon as possible. You are also well supplied with daily videos, additional information in printed form or in the form of videos.

If you have any medical questions, please contact your family doctor. The information in this course does not constitute medical advice or a cure. Where improvements are mentioned, it is either because the people concerned have experienced them themselves or because they are statements made by Dr Ammon Opie or other qualified persons.

Who answers my questions and is guiding me in the program?

Dr Ammon Opie has carefully selected the support team with his European business partners and is always in contact with his team and trains them on an ongoing basis. You can therefore rely on getting answers that come from Dr Ammon Opie.

What do I need to get started?

You need three essential things:

1. your cellular nutrition from Reliv. (to be ordered directly from with recommendation number)

2. a body fat scale

3. your weight loss course (can be purchased directly on this website) - just click on the button in the top right-hand corner

I've tried so many diets - why should this programme be any different?

Because Livfit by Dr Ammon focuses on the cause of obesity - a malfunctioning cell metabolism. No matter what you eat, you can only process it as well as your cells can handle it. We all know people for whom this works naturally without any problems. They eat whatever they feel like, eat large quantities and don't put on weight. This is exactly where you want to take your cells! This weight loss programme uses your body's own cell repair function to lose weight. Because you not only follow a simple diet plan, but also consume the recommended high-quality cell nutrition, the body is trained to maintain the new weight.

Many people experience the JOJO effect after a calorie-reduced diet, as their body has gone into starvation mode and can now generally manage with less food. If they eat ‘normal’ amounts again after the diet, they immediately put on weight. In this programme by Dr Ammon, you take your body to a new level and train it to maintain its high cellular activity. If your ‘furnace’ is well heated, it can handle the food you ate before much better and you can enjoy your food again.

I've done a diet before that seems to be similar to this...

My-new-weight and the LivFit programme are not a diet or a lifestyle change and certainly not something you have to stick to for life.

It is a relatively short programme in which, in the first phase, a simple nutrition plan is used to break down fat and thus lose weight with the help of the body's own cell repair function.

There will of course be similarities with well-known nutritional concepts - we use real food, we don't use drugs or dubious aids. However, the overall concept offered to you here by Dr Ammon Opie is unique in its kind and also how easy it is to implement.

My-new-weight is a weight loss programme that focuses on your health and helps you lose weight without starving yourself and, above all, keep it off!

Some excited participants

I am excited how quickly I lost weight. I didn't have to go hungry, I actually ate a lot!

Suzana from South Tyrol about phase 1


The "locking-in" works great! I have learnt a lot about my body and its reactions to different foods and I feel really good!

Britta from Germany about phase 2


Something has definitely changed in my body - I can now easily maintain my new weight without having to give up my favourite foods.

Bettina from Germany about phase 3

See you soon at your last weight loss course!

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